2017 Jardin Particulier,
French Palace, Istanbul, Turkey
October 24-29
Zilberman Gallery, İstanbul, Turkey
February 18 - April 30
2014 A Carriage Affair,
Galeri Zilberman, İstanbul, Turkey
May 10 - June 21
2011 Cabinet of Curiosities ,
Cda-Projects, İstanbul, Turkey
May 14 - June 14
2017 Jardin Particulier,
French Palace, Istanbul, Turkey
October 24-29
Zilberman Gallery, İstanbul, Turkey
February 18 - April 30
2014 A Carriage Affair,
Galeri Zilberman, İstanbul, Turkey
May 10 - June 21
2011 Cabinet of Curiosities ,
Cda-Projects, İstanbul, Turkey
May 14 - June 14
2017 Jardin Particulier,
French Palace, Istanbul, Turkey
October 24-29
Zilberman Gallery, İstanbul, Turkey
February 18 - April 30
2014 A Carriage Affair,
Galeri Zilberman, İstanbul, Turkey
May 10 - June 21
2011 Cabinet of Curiosities ,
Cda-Projects, İstanbul, Turkey
May 14 - June 14
2017 Jardin Particulier,
French Palace, Istanbul, Turkey
October 24-29
Zilberman Gallery, İstanbul, Turkey
February 18 - April 30
2014 A Carriage Affair,
Galeri Zilberman, İstanbul, Turkey
May 10 - June 21
2011 Cabinet of Curiosities ,
Cda-Projects, İstanbul, Turkey
May 14 - June 14
2017 Jardin Particulier,
French Palace, Istanbul, Turkey
October 24-29
Zilberman Gallery, İstanbul, Turkey
February 18 - April 30
2014 A Carriage Affair,
Galeri Zilberman, İstanbul, Turkey
May 10 - June 21
2011 Cabinet of Curiosities ,
Cda-Projects, İstanbul, Turkey
May 14 - June 14

Burçak Bingöl’s artist book Minor Vibrations on Earth, with the same title as her solo exhibition at Tate St Ives in 2022, has been published. The book covers various stages of this project which she has been working on since 2020.
The book includes the preparation and production processes that developed during her residency program in St Ives and her studio in Galata, alongside her solo exhibition of the same name that took place at Tate St Ives in 2022.
It also compiles the exhibitions of the project in 2023 at Ka Ankara and the British Embassy, and at Galeri Nev Istanbul in 2024.
Designed by Dilara Sezgin, the book includes an accompanying text by Özgür Ceren Can, alongside special excerpts by Ambassador Jill Morris CMG, Tate St Ives Director Anne Barlow, Tate Director Maria Balshaw, Director of the British Council Türkiye Gill Caldicott, and writer Süreyyya Evren.

Ali İhsan Elmas
The book has a limited edition of 25 + 5 A.P., accompanied by original sculptures created by Bingöl.
These unique sculptures create a plant inventory of the plants collected by the artist from the Barbara Hepworth Sculpture Garden and the Bernard Leach Pottery in St Ives. They are displayed in glass domes, held with specially designed steel mechanisms along with a ceramic piece. The editions consist of thirty different plants, and each carries both the actual dried plant and an image of it.

Hadiye Cangökçe
A custom box was designed by the artist in collaboration with master bookbinder Bilal Atalan from Barın Binding Studio, Istanbul. The design is decorated with these embossed plants and has its own drawer for the book. The box also serves as the pedestal for the sculptures.

Ali İhsan Elmas